Turns out I WAS pregnant
Which is how come this little chimp turned up three weeks ago.
It seems life in the womb was just too appealing to Atticus Rex. At almost 42 weeks, he still showed absolutely no signs of wanting to exit. Thus I was forced to suffer the indignity of having some evil gel smeared on my cervix. Twice. They were going to do it a third time, but I was too busy having fucking contractions you fucking fuckers.
Yep, I went through labour with nobody believing that I was actually in labour. Instead they thought, I can only assume, that I was some kind of lying, hysterical banshee-woman. My 'fake labour' lasted for almost 4 hours before someone decided to do an exam to see if the prostaglandins had done anything at all. And, quelle surprise, I was fully dilated. Half an hour later, the A-Rex emerged, looking rather more purple than I'd expected. Then everyone, except oblivious little me, went into panic mode because they thought I was haemorrhaging. (I wasn't, by the way). Ah, fun times...
Atti is snoring on my lap as I type this. Funny, but I just can't imagine life without him now, and it's becoming increasingly difficult to remember a time when he wasn't around.
In other news, there's a trail of cornflour all around the house. Seems a cat dragged the bag out of the pantry then went on an exciting adventure, before depositing it on the cat playcentre.
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