Thursday, August 16, 2007

In Which Samantha Is Pissed Off

This is such fucking bullshit. Fate has decreed that not only is it going to piss me off, but it's then going to rub coarse salty salt into my gaping axe-wound. Fuck you fate. And fuck you Shane.

Last year, when Benj and I were moving up here, it happened that we'd be passing by Sydney on the same day that Muse was playing there. Muse being on my (rather short) list of bands I'd really, really like to see live, I wanted to go. But we'd decided to drive up to Lismore the inland route, so it turned out we wouldn't be spending the night in Sydney. And we probably couldn't really afford it at that time. And it turned out for the best because I was actually in the early stages of incubating The Tadpole.

So, I recently find out that Muse is touring again. Brisbane being only a 3 hour drive, I quickly envisaged a lovely night out followed by a sleep in a lovely hotel, followed by a lovely visit to Ikea. But no. Apparently, even though the other shows are all-ages events, the Brisbane one is not. But it's not 18+, either. It's open only to people above the age of 6. Yep, six years old.

What the fuck? When is 6 ever an arbitrary cut-off for anything else? Other than, perhaps, school attendance. And, thinking about it, probably for the free tickets to events that you get as an infant. Is that it, I wonder? Perhaps the Brisbane venue allows children under 6 free admission and Muse are a big fat bunch of tight cuntwads. Who knows?

All I know is that I don't get to see Muse again. But Shane does. Shane, a man who (I have on very good authority) wore a dress to Kryal Castle recently. A man who, I'm sure, will very much enjoy the Musey goodness and come back to bloviate about how great the experience was. Shane, I hope that the acoustics are terrible, you get stuck next to drunken bogans with some kind of plastic trumpet, and when you go to the bathroom a huge, tattooed Maori man called Crusher pisses on your shoes.


Blogger Shane said...

A little harsh, perhaps?

1:48 pm  

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