Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sweet Dreams

Yeah, I missed yesterday's entry. In my defence, I was sitting on the couch with Atti snuggled up to one side, and Benj lying across my lap. Then when I woke Benj up and got him to move, I fell asleep.

All was good until about 3am when Atti woke me up looking for some Num. So I'm lying there with him lying on top of me, when I realise that the TV is showing some programme about entity attacks. In the light of day I might have found it kind of amusing, or even been interested in it. Also, in the light of day, I would've been able to just turn it over. But instead I was stuck in the dark, flat on my back, a small person firmly attached to me. And I got scared. I was terrified to turn and look at the TV. In fact I was terrified to turn at all, in case some evil old hag was waiting to fuck me up.

When they started playing what they claimed were voice recordings of a man while an attack was happening, I had to shout to get Benj to turn it off for me. So now I have another thing to be scared of. That along with malicious aliens*, the Movie-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named, the invisible people who amuse Atti so and seem to be standing just behind me, and Gunther von Hagens.

* Don't wish to bloviate, but I once told Benj of my fear of opening the toilet door after flushing, in case there was an alien standing there waiting for me. In order to allay my fear, my lovely husband just said, "Don't be silly. If an alien wanted to get you, and you were on the toilet, he'd just open the door and come in." Fucker.


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